Breastfeeding is a natural process that does not always come naturally.
Prenatal Support
Tips on finding the right breastfeeding supplies and how to get it for free through insurance
Education - understanding colostrum, transition milk and when your milk will come in
Teaching hand expression and how to harvest colostrum
Pumping Support
Measuring your nipples to get the correct flange size
Customizing a special pumping schedule for you
Teaching all the tips and tricks to make exclusively pumping easier for you!
Nursing Support
Ability to assess latch and look for tongue tie symptoms
Assist with nursing positions - helpful when healing from a cesarean or to rest while nursing
Teach baby hunger cues so you know when to feed baby
Breastfeeding my first born was incredibly difficult and she was later diagnosed with four oral ties. I exclusively pumped for her and it always broke my heart. I had to be plugged to the wall, was wasting so much time washing pump parts after every use and wish someone would have shared all the pumping hacks with me early on. Pumping IS breastfeeding. She was eventually able to nurse after lots of body work and her revision to correct her ties. I worked with many IBCLCs, Lactation consultants and occupational therapist to learn how to better serve my daughter and other mothers in the same situation. I have taken a few breastfeeding courses through The Birthworker Academy and TinyHood and plan on furthering my education more. I refer out to some incredible IBCLCs, Occupational Therapists, Chiropractors and more if needed as well.